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SUNY GCC - Genesee Community College

1972年的教育修正案第九条是一项联邦民权法,禁止在教育项目中基于性别的性别歧视, including athletic programs, or 活动 that receive federal funding.

“No person in the United States shall, on the basis of 性, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, 或者在接受联邦财政援助的任何教育项目或活动中受到歧视.”

Under 第九条, discrimination on the basis of 性 can include 性ual harassment, 强奸, and 性ual assault.

第九条 Policies and Procedures

Students’ Bill of Rights

的 State University of 纽约 and Genesee Community College are committed to providing options, support and assistance to victims/survivors of 性ual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and/or 跟踪 to ensure that they can continue to participate in College-wide and campus programs, 活动, and employment.

Sexual Violence Response Procedures

In accordance with the Victim/Survivor Bill of Rights, victims/survivors shall have the right to pursue a number of options in response to 性ual violence. 另请参阅 Sexual Assault & Violence Response (SAVR) 资源 available from the State University of NY [SUNY].

Confidentially Disclosing Sexual Violence

纽约州立大学和lol电竞菠菜希望受害者/幸存者得到他/她所需要的信息和支持,无论他/她是否愿意向校园官员或警察报告性暴力. 这 文档 旨在帮助受害者/幸存者了解保密如何适用于他们可能获得的不同资源.

第九条 Grievance Process

1972年的《lol菠菜竞猜》第九条禁止美国任何人在寻求获得联邦财政援助的任何教育项目或活动时受到性别歧视. 美国.S. Department of Education, which enforces 第九条, 长期以来,宪法第九条禁止性别歧视的含义被广泛地定义为包括各种形式的性骚扰和性暴力,这些性骚扰和性暴力干扰了学生平等获得教育项目和机会的能力. On May 19, 2020, the U.S. Department of Education issued a Final Rule under 第九条 of the Education Amendments of 1972. Based on that Final Rule, Genesee Community College has implemented a 第九条 Grievance Policy, effective August 14, 2020.

Student Code of Conduct

海湾合作委员会的学生行为准则是为了保护大学社区的利益,并挑战那些行为不符合我们政策的人. 的 student Code of Conduct can be viewed and downloaded 在这里.

Policy on Sexual Harassment

lol电竞菠菜根据1983年发布的第19号行政命令运作,该命令禁止在工作场所进行性骚扰. lol电竞菠菜致力于执行这一行政命令,以便所有员工都能在一个没有歧视的环境中工作.

Non-Discrimination Policy

杰纳西社区学院致力于确保平等的就业和教育机会,而不考虑个人的种族, color, national origin, 性, 宗教, 年龄, 残疾, 性别, 怀孕, 性别 identity, 性ual orientation, predisposing genetic characteristics, marital status, veteran status, military status, domestic violence victim status, or ex-offender status. 这 includes, but is not limited to, student admissions, 咨询, 住房, 分级, financial aid, 招聘, application process, 招聘, 培训, disciplinary actions, compensation, 促销活动, 终止, and all other terms and conditions of employment, educational status, and access to college programs and 活动.

Policy for Alcohol and/or Drug use Amnesty in Sexual and Interpersonal Violence Cases

纽约州立大学及其州立学院和社区学院的每位学生的健康和安全至关重要. SUNY Genesee认识到,在酗酒和/或吸毒的学生(无论是自愿的还是非自愿的)在暴力事件发生时, including but not limited to domestic violence, dating violence, 跟踪, 或者发生性侵犯时可能会因为害怕对自己的行为产生潜在的后果而不愿报告此类事件. SUNY Genesee strongly encour年龄s students to report incidents of domestic violence, dating violence, 跟踪, or 性ual assault to campus officials. 善意行为的旁观者或善意行为的检举人披露任何家庭暴力事件, dating violence, 跟踪, 对SUNY Genesee的官员或执法部门的性侵犯将不受SUNY Genesee的行为准则的约束,因为在家庭暴力发生时或发生时违反了酒精和/或药物使用政策, dating violence, 跟踪, or 性ual assault.

Responsible Employees

杰纳西社区学院的大多数员工都被要求报告他们遇到的可能被认为是性骚扰的信息, 性ual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, 跟踪, or any other 性-based discrimination regardless of when or w在这里 the behavior occurred.

如果你是一个学生可以合理地相信有权力或义务采取行动的人,你就被认为是一个“负责任的员工”, and are required to report the information to one of the individuals listed below. In other words, if a student comes to you seeking help or advice, you are most likely a responsible employee.

作为一名负责任的员工,你的职责不是评估所报告或观察到的行为是否符合性骚扰的法律定义. If the reported or observed behavior seems inappropriate, report it immediately. Don’t wait or analyze the situation; just report the misconduct and let the school evaluate.

的 few exceptions to this include employees operating under separate licensure, or with the privilege of confidentiality, such as mental health counselors operating under their license at the time of the disclosure.

而个人的安全以及他们对潜在行动的愿望将指导员工选择与哪个办公室联系, at least one of the following officials 必须 be notified:

Christa米. 奥尔德里奇
Executive Director of Human 资源 / 第九条 Coordinator
Genesee Community College
Office of Human 资源
One College Road, C112
巴达维亚, NY 14020-9704
585-343-0055 ext. 6514

Patricia Chaya
Dean of Students
Genesee Community College
One College Road, C211
巴达维亚, NY 14020-9704
585-343-0055 ext. 6219

Daniel Coffey
Director of Campus Safety
Genesee Community College
One College Road, B111
巴达维亚, NY 14020-9704
585-343-0055 ext. 6847

For emergencies dial ext. 6500 or 9-1-1 from any campus phone, 585-345-6500 from your cell phone

SUNY Sexual Violence Prevention (SVP) Campus Climate Survey

Consistent with 纽约 State Education Law 129-B and policies of 的 State University of 纽约, lol电竞菠菜参加了2023年全校范围内的两年一次的纽约州立大学统一校园气候调查. 该调查收集了有关学生和雇员遭受性暴力和人际暴力的信息,以及对政策和资源的了解.

139 students and 155 employees completed the survey, for response rates of 8% and 31%, respectively.

In the survey 14% percent of female students, 0% percent of male students, 0%的非二元性别学生报告说他们在前一年遭受过性骚扰. 7% of female students, 0% of male students, 0%的非二元性别学生报告说他们在前一年遭受过性侵犯. 70% of students indicated familiarity with affirmative consent, 29% percent indicated that they knew w在这里 to report, and 30% could identify the 第九条 Coordinator.

Genesee Community College, working with SUNY and community colleagues (including students, 教师, 和工作人员), will use these data to improve response to violence, develop prevention programs, and will continue to study the issue. 的 next SVP Campus Climate Survey will be administered in Spring 2025. More information about the survey.

If you have questions about the survey or its results, please feel free to contact:

Christa 奥尔德里奇
Executive Director of Human 资源
第九条 Coordinator
Phone (585) 345-0055, ext. 6514


Patricia Chaya
Dean of Students
Phone (585) 343-0055, ext. 6219

Crime Prevention and Reports

GCC is committed to assisting all members of our community in providing for their safety and security. 的 College offers a variety of programs to help students, 教师 and staff stay safe. Those programs are outlined in detail in the Campus Crime Report below. 的 campus also works with local law enforcement to keep the College community safe.

Annual Security & Fire Safety Report

In accordance with the Jeanne Clery Security Policy and Crime Statistics Act, the Campus Safety Department is providing the following Annual Security & Fire Safety Report:

Local Law Enforcement

的 GCC Campus Safety staff includes a staff of 纽约 State Licensed campus safety Officers.  In the event of a crime on the 巴达维亚 campus, campus safety will act as first responders, investigate and then call the Genesee County Sheriff or State Police. It is the policy of Genesee’s campus safety Staff to assist with arrests. 校园安全人员向杰纳西县治安官办公室或州警察局报告任何重大的大学犯罪事件.

Registered Sex Offenders Report

According to Section 170101 (j) of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1999, 所有因性暴力犯罪或对未成年人实施刑事犯罪而被定罪的人都必须在当地执法机构登记. 学生和员工如欲知道谁曾被判犯有此类罪行,可向以下机构索取:

  • 的 City of 巴达维亚 Police Department: 10 West Main Street; 巴达维亚, NY 14020; (584) 343-8180
  • 的 Genesee County Sheriff’s Department: 165 Park Road; 巴达维亚, NY, 14020 (585) 343-5000
  • Online at the NYS Sex Offender Registry
  • Dan Coffey, Director of Campus Safety, GCC: One College Rd; 巴达维亚, NY, 14020 (585) 343-0055 x 6240

Distinctions Between the 纽约 State Penal Law and the College Disciplinary Processes

table 是由纽约州立大学开发的,旨在帮助向举报个人和校园社区的其他成员解释刑事程序和大学纪律程序之间的区别.