Genesee致力于所有学生的成功. 教师, 工作人员和顾问可以提供指导和支持,并致力于帮助学生完成学位.
杰纳西社区学院 has a number of policies relating to computer use. 请花时间去熟悉他们. 如果你对这些政策有疑问, feel free to stop into the Student Resource Center (T212) on campus or to contact Patricia Chaya, 教务长.
海湾合作委员会不以年龄为基础进行歧视, 比赛, color, 宗教, 信条, 国家的起源, 性, 婚姻状况, 性偏好, 资深地位, domestic violence status or 残疾 in its educational programs, 活动, 招生, 和就业.
根据《lol电竞菠菜》,任何身体或精神受损,严重限制其一项或多项主要生活功能的人都被定义为残疾人. 残疾学生可能不会被隔离,并完全包括在机构现有的计划和活动.
GCC为残疾学生提供帮助, assists 教师 and 工作人员 members who interact with the students and work closely with community 年龄ncies. 学生有责任确定他/她对服务的需求并提供适当的文件.
In support of 杰纳西社区学院’s mission and vision, 职业服务 is committed to providing assistance in navigating career and educational planning. Our office develops and sustains positive relationships with students, 校友, 教师, 工作人员, 雇主, 我们的社区成员. 这些有意义的伙伴关系, 除了定制的教育经历, 都是用来指导的, 准备, and support individuals to become career confident citizens in a global work environment.
杰纳西社区学院, 继续努力寻求教育和就业公平,并支持联邦和州的反歧视立法, 有否制订投诉程序,以迅速和公平地调查和解决有关种族非法歧视的指控, color, 国家的起源, 宗教, 信条, 年龄, 性, 性取向, 残疾, 性别认同, 家族的地位, 怀孕, 易感遗传特征, 军事地位, 家庭暴力受害者身份, 或者刑事定罪.
基本应急程序旨在通过有效利用大学和社区资源加强对生命和财产的保护. Emergencies may be sudden and without warning and the succession of events can be unpredictable. 参观 公共安全 学习如何在校园里保持安全.
FERPA Consent – Authorization for Release of Information
- 这是 不 而对于最终成绩的上诉 只有 for issues regarding academic concerns such as grades/plagiarism/cheating during the academic semester:
- Communicate with the 教师 member with whom you have the issues.
- If not resolved, contact with the Director of that curriculum area. 请参阅以下联系人姓名列表.
- If there is no resolution, request an appointment with the appropriate 教务长:
- 数学、科学和职业教育学院院长 – Dr. 拉斐尔·艾丽西亚-马尔多纳多博士. 内存), RAlicea-Maldonado@selkarvictory.com
- 人类交流与行为学院院长 – Mr. 蒂姆•Tomczak TPTomczak@selkarvictory.com
- 分布式学习学院院长 (在线课程. Ed辞世 EJLevinstein@selkarvictory.com
- 如果在完成步骤2到4之后, 和 你被指控 学术欺骗,请与教务处处长联系. 帕蒂兴高采烈, PEChaya@selkarvictory.com)讨论举行听证会的可能性, within five days of talking to the appropriate academic dean.
- 作弊是指获取或故意提供未经授权的信息,以在考试中获得不公平的优势, 赋值, 或者课堂环境.
- 抄袭是一种呈现和主张文字的行为, 的想法, data, 把别人的代码或创造物当作自己的来编程. 抄袭可能是有意的——比如虚假的作者声明(包括人工智能生成的)——也可能是无意的——比如没有使用MLA(现代语言协会)记录信息来源。, APA(美国心理协会)或学院教师采用的其他样式表或手册. Presenting 的想法 in the exact or near exact wording as found in source material constitutes plagiarism, as does patching together paraphrased statements without in-text citation. 学生之间购买或共享论文或项目,或重复使用提交给多个作业或课程的论文或项目也构成抄袭.
- Disciplinary action may include a failing grade on an 赋值 or test, 这门课不及格, 停学或开除学籍, 如《lol菠菜竞猜》所述.
- 对于期末课程成绩争议等问题, 毕业要求和转学分, 请填写 学生年级上诉 form. Please see additional information under Student Academic Appeals at 政策及程序.
教务长 | 学术主任 | 课程的前缀 |
蒂姆Tomczak |
Maryanne竞技场 |
艺术,mus, the, dan, pho |
Dr. 拉斐尔Alicea-Maldonado |
吉姆Bucki |
Cis csn egr |
Dr. 拉斐尔Alicea-Maldonado |
嘉莉Caccamise |
兽医 |
Dr. 拉斐尔Alicea-Maldonado |
克里斯Caputi |
家长会 |
蒂姆Tomczak |
巴里周润发 |
Dr. 拉斐尔Alicea-Maldonado |
贝基Dziekan |
Ath, hed, ped, |
Dr. 拉斐尔Alicea-Maldonado |
Marirose Ethington |
Ast, bio, che, met, phb, phy |
Dr. 拉斐尔Alicea-Maldonado |
克里斯·坎普 |
数学,PVO |
Dr. 拉斐尔Alicea-Maldonado |
莉娜LaMattina |
Acc, blm, bus, cps, eco, fbm, oft, THM |
Dr. 内存 |
Deb牡丹 |
努尔 |
蒂姆Tomczak |
乔迪•Scondras |
Crj, edf, hur, hus |
蒂姆Tomczak |
Jonelle Torsevia |
Cep, cin, eng, fye, you, lit, rea, spe |
Dr. 拉斐尔Alicea-Maldonado |
莫林·韦尔奇 |
Dr. 拉斐尔Alicea-Maldonado |
Karyn布赖森 |
身为 |
lol电竞菠菜致力于保留一个尊重学院社区所有成员的尊严和价值的环境. 根据仇恨犯罪法,针对校园内任何人的偏见相关犯罪被视为犯罪行为,是不能容忍的. Bias related or hate crimes subverts the mission of the College and undermines the educational process.
(a)由于对种族的信仰或看法,故意选择对其实施或打算对其实施全部或大部分侵犯的人, color, 国家的起源, 祖先, 性别, 宗教, 宗教活动, 年龄, 残疾:一个人的残疾或性取向, regardless of whether the belief or perception is correct; or
(b)由于对种族的信仰或看法而故意实施构成全部或实质性部分犯罪的行为或行为, color, 国家的起源, 祖先, 性别, 宗教, 宗教活动, 年龄, 残疾:一个人的残疾或性取向, regardless of whether the belief or perception is correct.
GCC is required to annually report campus crime statistics to the U.S. 教育部的网站 http://ope.ed.gov/campussafety/#/
REPORTING, RESPONSE 和 SECURITY PROCEDURES FOR ALL RELATED INCIDENTS HATE CRIMES 和/OR BIAS: The College encour年龄s the reporting of all such situations to:
- GCC校园安全部门电话:585-345-6500,
- 学生院长585-343-0055分机6219
- 第九条协调员585-343-0055 ext 6514.
Students may repeat a course for which credit has been received with a grade of A- or lower. 如果在重复一门课程后获得更高的分数, only the higher of the two grades will be computed to determine a cumulative grade point aver年龄 (GPA), 虽然这两个成绩都会记录在成绩单上. A student may not repeat a course for which he or she has already received an “A” grade.
任何课程不得仅仅为了增加已更改学时的课程的学分而重修. The course will only be counted once toward graduation requirements and computation of total hours earned.
全日制学生如果选择重修已经获得学分的课程,除了重修课程外,还必须注册与学位课程相关的12个学分,以保持获得TAP奖励的资格. 全日制学生报修补习课程,须同时报修不少于六学分的非补习学分课程. 然而, 在第一个资助期内, a full-time student need only register for at least three credits of non-remedial credit courses. Students at community colleges are eligible for a total of six semesters of TAP funding.
Use of College-Assigned 电子邮件 for Official and Instructional Correspondence
学生可以在整学期课程的第九周之前正式退课,也可以在暑期课程或特殊课程的9/16课程结束之前退课. 退课截止日期每学期公布一次. In order to officially withdraw, a student may withdraw online (through myGCC),或向 记录办公室. 正确退课是学生的责任. 退出等级将分配如下:
- Official withdrawals received by the 记录办公室 prior to the census date (i.e. 课程第三周结束时,该课程将从学生的记录中删除,并且不会记录成绩
- 在人口普查日期之后和第九周(每学期公布的具体日期)结束之前,记录办公室收到的正式退学将导致“W”等级。
- Formal withdrawal may not be initiated after the ninth week of classes (specific date published each semester). Failure to complete course requirements will result in a grade of “F”
- Refunds are not given without advanced withdrawal notice from the student. Refund and charge reductions are determined by the date of written withdrawal notice. lol菠菜竞猜退还学杂费的政策详见本目录的“入学和经济援助”部分
发现有必要在学期结束前退学的学生必须遵循既定的退学程序. 提款可在网上(通过以下方式)完成 myGCC)或亲自到 记录办公室. Refunds are given on a pro rata basis and are not given without advance withdrawal notice from the student. 如果学生考虑退学,应立即与商务办公室联系.